Join the PPA for the May Professional Development Meeting "What You Need to Know To Be Cybersecurity Proactive".
The presenter, Alicia Slade, MS, MBA, is the present of Plummer Slade, Inc, a computer networking, Managed Services Provider (MSP) and IT solutions firm.
Knowing what you need to do to protect yourself and your firm against a malicious cyber-attack can be challenging. Many people feel that changing their password on a regular basis is all that is needed. However, there are many more proactive steps and components of cybersecurity that are important to understand and implement. This seminar will review how to be more cybersecurity proactive.
The link to join the webinar will be sent out after registration.
As always, this event is free for all PPA members! Non-members can attend for a cost of $10.00.
© Pittsburgh Paralegal Association | P.O. Box 704, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 |